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With the PDF to HTML tool, you can convert your PDF file into an HTML file. The following examples show how to upload a test PDF file and convert it into an HTML file using Java, PHP, C#, Python, and Swift languages.

// Create a client
CPDFClient client = new CPDFClient(publicKey,secretKey);

// Create a task
// Create an example of a PDF tO Html task
CPDFCreateTaskResult result = client.createTask(CPDFConversionEnum.PDF_TO_HTML);

// Get a task id
String taskId = result.getTaskId();

// File handling parameter settings
CPDFToHtmlParameter fileParameter = new CPDFToHtmlParameter();
// Upload files
client.uploadFile(new File("test.pdf"), taskId, fileParameter);

// Execute task

// query TaskInfo
CPDFTaskInfoResult taskInfo = client.getTaskInfo(taskId);
// Create a client
$client = new CPDFClient('public_key', 'secret_key');

// Create a task
// Create an example of a PDF tO Html task
$taskInfo = $client->createTask(CPDFConversion::PDF_TO_HTML);

// File handling parameter settings
$file = $client->addFile('test.pdf')

// Upload files
$fileInfo = $file->uploadFile($taskInfo['taskId']);

// Execute task

// Query TaskInfo
$taskInfo = $client->getTaskInfo($taskInfo['taskId']);
// Create a client
CPDFClient client = new CPDFClient(publicKey,secretKey);

// Create a task
// Create an example of a PDF tO Html task
CPDFCreateTaskResult result = client.CreateTask(CPDFConversionEnum.PDF_TO_HTML);

// Get a task id
string taskId = result.TaskId;

// File handling parameter settings
CPDFToHtmlParameter fileParameter = new CPDFToHtmlParameter();
fileParameter.IsContainImg = "1";
fileParameter.IsContainAnnot = "1";
fileParameter.PageOptions = "2";

// Upload files
client.UploadFile(new FileInfo("test.pdf"), taskId, fileParameter);

// Execute task

// Query TaskInfo
CPDFTaskInfoResult taskInfo = client.GetTaskInfo(taskId);
# Create a client
client = CPDFClient(public_key, secret_key)

# Create a task
# Create an example of a PDF tO Html task
create_task_result = client.create_task(CPDFConversionEnum.PDF_TO_HTML)

# Get a task id
task_id = create_task_result.task_id

# File handling parameter settings
file_parameter = CPDFToHtmlParameter()
file_parameter.is_contain_img = CPDFToHtmlParameter.IS_CONTAIN_IMG
file_parameter.is_contain_annot = CPDFToHtmlParameter.IS_CONTAIN_ANNOT
file_parameter.page_options = CPDFToHtmlParameter.SINGLE_PAGE_NAVIGATION_BY_BOOKMARKS

# Upload files
client.upload_file('test.pdf', task_id, file_parameter)

# Execute task

# Query TaskInfo
task_info = client.get_task_info(task_id)
// Create a client
let client: CPDFClient = CPDFClient(publicKey: public_key, secretKey: secret_key)

Task { @MainActor in
    // Create a task
    // Create an example of a PDF tO Html task
    let taskModel = await client.createTask(url: CPDFConversion.PDF_TO_HTML)
    // Get a task id
    let taskId = taskModel?.taskId ?? ""

    // Upload files
    let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "test", ofType: "pdf")
    let uploadFileModel = await client.uploadFile(filepath: path ?? "", password: "", params: [
        CPDFFileUploadParameterKey.pageOptions.string() : "2",
        CPDFFileUploadParameterKey.isContainAnnot.string() : "1",
        CPDFFileUploadParameterKey.isContainImg.string() : "1"
    ], taskId: taskId)
    // Execute task
    let _ = await client.processFiles(taskId: taskId)
    // Query TaskInfo
    let taskInfoModel = await client.getTaskInfo(taskId: taskId)

Needed Parameters:

  • pageOptions: 1: SinglePage, 2: SinglePageNavigationByBookmarks, 3: MultiplePages, 4: MultiplePagesSplitByBookmarks.

  • isContainImg: Whether to include pictures (1: yes, 0: no).

  • isContainAnnot: Whether to include comments (1: yes, 0: no).


File TypeDescription
.zipThe HTML folder after the transfer process is completed.